
Combatting Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatments & Options Hair often seems to correlate with self-esteem. While people like to preach the old adage that beauty is on the inside, many do not actually believe it. The fact is, the way a person sees themselves in the mirror plays a role in their confidence level. While it might be…

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Hair Loss and Insomnia

Hair Loss Doctor NYC Most of us have experienced nights where we just couldn’t fall asleep. Whether it was due to stress or drinking caffeine too late at night, lying awake all night can be just terrible. If you have sleepless night quite frequently, it can begin to affect many parts of your body. A…

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Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment for Hair Loss: Here’s What to Know

PRP Hair Restoration New York Many men and women and think of their hair as a reflection of their identity. Whether it’s long or short, blonde or brunette, how you choose to wear your hair can define your personality and individual style. The thought of losing your hair can be scary. Unfortunately, it’s a common…

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Why Menopause Causes Hair Thinning

Hair Loss Treatment New York Hair loss can be caused by many different factors, but one of the most common causes of thinning hair in women above the age of 40 is peri-menopause and menopause. This time in a woman’s life is fraught with body changes that can have adverse affects on our physical appearance,…

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14th AMWC in Monaco March 2016

Dr. Robin Unger invited speaker at the 14th AMWC in Monaco March 2016. Dr. Unger will be joining experts from across the globe at the world’s leading anti-aging and aesthetic congress. She will be speaking on two topics which are Surgical Procedures for Restoration of Cicatricial Alopecia and How to Prevent Complications in Hair Restoration…

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Dr. Robin Unger Continues in Her Education Efforts

Hair Restoration Surgeon NYC – Womens Hair Loss Treatment NYC In Chicago, at the upcoming 2015 ISHRS meeting, Dr. Robin Unger will once again share her years of experience and knowledge with newer generations of hair restoration surgeons. She and her father, Dr. Walter Unger,  have always opened their clinic in New York City to…

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