Women’s Hair Loss Treatment New York

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New York Women’s Hair Loss Treatment Options

Shot_01_0016 1Most people think that hair loss problems are reserved for men, but Dr. Robin Unger, a New York hair transplant specialist, will tell you that New York women’s hair loss treatment options are on the rise! In fact, hair loss is a common side effect for women who have reached menopause, as the “golden years” are generally brought on by a hormonal shift that decreases estrogen–the hormone most responsible for promoting hair growth. Women’s hair loss treatment in NYC can often be confusing; and frankly, many spa and online remedies are simply for the birds! Dr. Robin Unger, however, has some tried and true New York women’s hair loss treatment options that will help you keep or regain the hair that makes you feel beautiful.

  • Eliminate stress: While that may be easier said than done, it’s an important factor in keeping the hair that you have. Stress can often amplify the hormonal changes you’re going through and thereby, increase the thinning of your hair.
  • Watch your diet: You are what you eat! Reducing saturated fats and increasing your intake of whole grains and fruits and vegetables will not only help regulate your changing hormones, but keep your feeling healthy and happy (which might help with eliminating that stress in tip #1). Keeping hydrated will also help keep the hair you have healthy and strong.
  • Add some vitamins: B6 and folic acid can be used as a women’s hair loss treatment in Manhattan, as these vitamins are commonly associated with reinforcing the follicles of your hair–keeping it healthy and strong!
  • Exercise: Aerobic exercise releases endorphins that help regulate the shifting of estrogen and testosterone. Not only can this help your hair, but endorphins are commonly known as the “happy hormone” and can improve your mood, and keep mood swings from taking over

These treatments may not be enough in some cases. When your hair and how you feel about it can make or break your self esteem, you can always turn to the women’s hair loss treatment in Manhattan in which Dr. Robin Unger specializes. Follicular Unit Transplantation is a very reliable solution for women who are suffering from hair loss and thinning due to menopause.  It works by establishing transplanted hair follicles in areas of concern. Even in the most advanced cases of hair loss, hair follicles moved from appropriate donor areas (generally areas of hair-bearing fringe) to a bald or balding area on the same patient’s scalp will take root and grow.

Menopause Is A Common Cause Of Hair Loss

Your New York women’s hair loss treatment can restore your hair, and restore your confidence. By operating on only one patient per day, Dr. Robin Unger is able to provide close attention to detail and dedicated care for men and women alike. Now, it’s her turn to help you.

Menopause is a significant phase in a woman’s life accompanied by various physical changes, one of which can be hair loss. This type of hair loss is largely due to hormonal imbalances and can be distressing for many. Read on to learn more, and contact Dr. Unger to get started today.

Understanding Menopausal Hair Loss

During menopause, the primary hormonal changes involve a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels. These hormones help hair grow faster and stay on the head for longer periods. When their levels drop, hair grows more slowly and becomes much thinner. Additionally, the increase in androgens—a group of male hormones—can cause hair follicles to shrink, affecting hair growth on the scalp.

Symptoms Of Menopausal Hair Loss

Menopausal hair loss typically manifests as a general thinning of hair across the entire scalp, with more significant hair loss at the top of the head. Unlike male pattern baldness, the hairline usually doesn’t recede in women experiencing menopausal hair loss. It’s also common for women to notice that their hair begins to feel coarser and more brittle.

Factors That Exacerbate Hair Loss

Several factors can exacerbate hair loss during menopause, including stress, diet, and overall health. High stress levels can lead to a condition called telogen effluvium, where more hairs than usual prepare to fall out. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly in iron and protein, can also affect hair health and exacerbate hair loss. Ensuring a balanced diet and managing stress through activities such as yoga or meditation can be beneficial.

Treatment Options

While menopausal hair loss can be challenging, there are several women’s hair loss treatments that can help manage the condition:

  • Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter minoxidil, applied as a liquid or foam, can help stimulate hair growth. Prescription treatments are also available.
  • Low-Level Laser Therapy: This form of therapy uses light energy to stimulate hair growth. It’s a non-invasive option that can be used at home or in clinical settings.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): For some women, HRT can help alleviate many symptoms of menopause, including hair loss. However, it’s essential to discuss the benefits and risks with your healthcare provider.
  • Proper Hair Care: Using gentle hair care products and avoiding harsh treatments like chemical dyes and stylings can help reduce hair breakage and loss.

Maintaining Hair Health During Menopause

In addition to treatment options, maintaining good scalp health is important. Regular washing to keep the scalp clean and using conditioners can help. It’s also helpful to avoid tight hairstyles that pull on the hair, such as braids, buns, or ponytails, which can exacerbate hair loss.

Get In Touch Today

Dr. Robin Unger understands the emotional impact of hair loss during menopause, and she’s dedicated to providing her patients with effective solutions and support. If you are experiencing menopausal hair loss, you don’t have to face it alone. Get in touch today, and see how the right New York women’s hair loss treatment can make all the difference.


Female Hair Transplant Surgery

Contact Dr. Unger for Women’s Hair Loss Treatment – NYC

Dr. Unger, a female, is very sensitive to the needs of her patients who are suffering from menopause related hair loss and thinning. So if you’re concerned about losing a part of you that you’ve alway thought made you, you, look to a New York women’s hair loss treatment that works – contact Dr. Robin Unger today!

Client Review

“Dr. Unger is extremely knowledgeable about hair loss and its causes. She took time asking and answering questions and was the first doctor to give me an accurate diagnosis. Her kindness and professionalism were very much appreciated and I left her office feeling hopeful and positive. I could not recommend her more highly. ”
Lisa Ross
Client Review

Dr. Robin Unger

Dr. Robin Unger710 Park Avenue, Suite 1ANew YorkNY, 10021
Main: (212) 249-4369
Fax: (212) 249-4032

Recent Testimonials

  • Great experience and results! Dr. Robin unger is highly skilled and knowledgeable and patiently answered all my questions. The nurses…
