Dr. Robin Unger to lead discussions teaching PRP (platelet rich plasma) in Prague at the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and at The Symposium at Mount Sinai in New York City. As a recognized world expert in the still young field of PRP, Dr. Unger is leading the research and furthering our understanding of the role PRP may play in regenerating hair. Although there is much remaining to be learned in this field, PRP has shown great promise in treating hair loss patients. There are many different “types” of PRP and many different techniques of performing the procedure. Some doctors report more success and others find the procedure has been less effective for their patients than they had hoped.
PRP is not a procedure that works for everyone or every type of hair loss.
It has become one additional important option to present to carefully selected patients. All patients need to be first evaluated with a dermoscopic exam and careful review of other potential causes for hair loss. . Dr. Unger has found that the procedure is especially successful when applied in patients with a significant amount of miniaturized hair. If the patient is deemed to be a good candidate, one PRP treatment (as performed by Dr. Unger) is sufficient to produce results – and the procedure needs to be repeated approximately every year.
The panel in Prague at the International meeting included Dr. Chiara Insalaco from Italy, Dr. John Cole from Atlanta, Dr Aditya Gupta from Toronto, and Dr. Carlos Puig from Houston. The research already performed by Drs. Cole and Insalaco has helped to elucidate the varying levels of growth factors produced by different types of PRP kits and different modes of activation.
Dr. Unger hopes to expand on this knowledge with her current study together with Dr. Orit Markowitz at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
The study starting this month will evaluate the varying concentrations of platelets and erythrocytes and their relationship to the levels of growth factors. It is anticipated that the research will provide information as to which factors are most important in producing an improvement in hair volume and a decrease in the rate of shedding.Dr. Robin Unger to lead discussions teaching PRP (platelet rich plasma) in Prague