A medical professional, clinic, or facility can have the need to reach out to the media. The best way to connect with both traditional and new media is through the use of a properly constructed medical press release.
The vast majority of medical professionals simply do not have the knowledge or time to craft medical press releases. As a result, these professionals fail to obtain the results they need from press releases.
There are a number of considerations to bear in mind when it comes to medical press releases. By paying attention to these factors, a healthcare provider can construct a high-impact, compelling press release that gets results.
Keep a Medical Press Release Concise
The most common problem associated with medical press releases is the failure to keep them concise. Time and again, the writers of medical press releases provide too much information, clouding the message. As a general rule, a medical press release should be no longer than about 300 words. If absolutely necessary, and if the topic warrants an expanded format, a medical press release can be a maximum of 500 words.
Avoid Technical Jargon
While medical and technical terms may be necessary in a press release, an effort must be made to keep them to a minimum. When technical language is an absolute necessity, make sure an explanation for the term is included in the press release itself.
Edit the Press Release
The creator of a press release needs to make sure that it is edited. In fact, the best course is to have someone else edit the press release before it issues. The writer of a press release can overlook mistakes that are readily caught by someone else. Having a second set of eyes review a press release is the best course to take to ensure accuracy and avoid typographical errors.
The Importance of a Disclaimer
Although a medical press release may not address a specific medical treatment, procedure, or course of care, a wise press release writer includes a disclaimer within the press release. An overabundance of caution should be kept in mind when considering whether or not to insert a disclaimer in a medical press release. The disclaimer to be included in a medical press release need be only a direct, simple statement to advise readers that the release is not intended for diagnostic or treatment purposes.
Media Contact
Although the content of a medical press release is important, the person designated as the media contact should not be overlooked. The media contact should be well versed in the subject being addressed by the press release. In addition, because the press release is addressing medical subject matter, the media contact should have a general working knowledge of medical issues.
The media contact should also be available to respond to requests for additional information and questions.
Hire a Professional
Unless a medical professional, or a member of the team associated with a medical professional, has some experience in media relations, engaging the services of a PR firm for physicians New York, NY trusts to prepare a press release can be an advisable course. There are media professionals that specialize in the press needs of the healthcare industry, who may be able to help your office meet media goals.