New York Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
People who are experiencing hair loss should consider the platelet rich plasma therapy New York residents trust. If you are noticing bald patches or large areas of thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss. There are several different causes of hair loss that range from hereditary to simply being over stressed. Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a method that has been used, and continually developed, since the 1970s for several different medical practices, including hair loss. Dr. Robin Unger’s practice offers a platelet rich plasma therapy New York residents can depend on.
What is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. Platelets are tiny blood cells that your body uses to form blood clots to help stop bleeding. Platelets help repair damage that is done to your body. PRP is a concentrated source of the platelets that is comprised of crucial and specific growth factors that promote tissue regeneration and the healing of soft tissue. People seeking platelet rich plasma therapy in New York may wish to contact Dr. Unger, a well-respected specialist of hair restoration.
How does PRP Generate Hair Growth?
Platelets is the body’s way of helping it heal wounded areas. Hair follicles need a healthy blood supply to get the appropriate amount of nutrition to create healthy hair. If the blood supply is not efficient, then hair damage and loss can occur. Condensing platelets to a specific zone can help amplify the body’s ability to heal that region. So, if platelet rich plasma is administered in the damaged hair follicle areas, the platelets will begin healing and nourishing the damaged hair follicles. Dr. Unger’s practice performs a platelet rich plasma therapy New York residents can rely on.
PRP Procedure
The New York platelet rich plasma therapy office that Dr. Unger operates, follows PRP procedure in the following steps:
- Your own blood is drawn through an IV while a slight sedation is administered to the patient.
- The area being treated is numbed using a local anesthetic.
- The blood is spun in a centrifuge and the concentrated PRP is separated and removed from the rest of the blood.
- Dr. Unger uses microneedling to generate micro-trauma to the areas that will be treated with PRP and ACell, a regenerative medicine.
- The PRP solution is injected into the micro-trauma areas helping to stimulate new hair growth.
It is important to note that platelet rich plasma therapy is not yet a proven treatment for hair loss. However, there have been preliminary studies that indicate patients may respond positively to PRP therapy. The platelet rich plasma therapy New York residents have received from Dr. Unger has led to successful results!
The Benefits of PRP
Platelet rich plasma therapy is a non-surgical operation that only requires injectable treatments. The procedure uses the patient’s own blood to inject the rich platelet cells into the scalp, stimulating natural hair growth. If you are hoping to learn more about the platelet rich plasma therapy New York trusts, then contact Dr. Robin Unger at (646) 257-3768.