Women’s hair transplant surgery
Women’s hair transplant surgery

Before one surgery and 4 years later

This woman came to Dr Robin Unger at the age of 43 complaining of worsening hair loss. She started treatment with minoxidil 5% foam and this somewhat slowed her shedding, however her area of greatest concern remained very thin. One surgery of 1928 FU (placed in 1600 sites to concentrate the hair density) achieved excellent results. When the donor hair density is not appropriate for DFU, “doubling” of grafts into one site is sometimes utilized to create greater density in a region – in this patient’s situation Dr Unger had to adjust the surgical plan because the very high number of 1 hair grafts produced from the harvest would have required a greater number of incisions (potentially increasing the risk of post-operative shedding) and the density which could be achieved in the cosmetically most important area would have been lower. The patient has remained very happy with her results since 2008.