
Female Hair Restoration in Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America

Dr Robin Unger, as one of the world’s foremost authorities on female hair restoration, was selected to author this very important article in an issue of the Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America dedicated to hair restoration. In the article Dr Unger describes the basic approach to female hair loss, some options for medical therapy and a detailed summary of hair transplant surgery in women. The approach to surgery in women requires and understanding of the basic patterns of female hair loss, the most cosmetically significant areas to treat, and techniques to help preserve existing hair. Approximately 40% of Dr Robin Unger’s surgical practice is female and 60% of her consultations. The practice has grown steadily over the years only because patients are referred to Dr Unger directly by recommendations from other patients, doctors and hairstylists. Dr Robin Unger is dedicated to helping women with hair loss through a combination of approaches. Her emphasis on educating and empowering the patient is unique in her field.